
The three colors in the Snapask logo symbolize the three stages of the students' learning process: studying at school, studying after class, and self-studying. The three circles represent the uninterrupted image of the learning cycle in the logo mark. We hope that students can get the assistance they need in their journey.

Snapask 標誌中的三種顏色象徵著學生學習過程的三個階段:在校學習、課後學習和自學。 三個圓圈代表徽標中學習週期的不間斷圖像。 我們希望學生能在他們的旅程中得到他們需要的幫助。
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Horizontal lockup

This is our primary logo. Note the horizontal lockup.

左圖為品牌 logo,橫式、最優先使用。
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Vertical lockup

When the primary logo doesn't fit your composition, use the vertical lockup.

當橫式 logo 不符合使用需求,可使用直式 Logo。
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We use 1/4~1/2 of the circle width of the logo to create a clear space. Please keep the logo on a clean background.

Logo 淨空空間為標誌中的圓形的 1/4 至 1/2 寬度,請將 logo 使用於乾淨的背景上。


We solely use the logo-mark in limited conditions, such as icons on the app, favicon on the web, or any other usage needed.

純圖樣 logo 僅在有限的條件下使用,例如應用程式上的圖標、網站圖標或任何其他需要的用途。

Localized Logo

Most of the time, we will choose to use the global version. Yet, based on different usage scenarios of each country, we currently create two localized logos for them, one is "時課問" for Taiwan, and the other is "スナップアスク" for Japan.

通用英文版 logo 為最優先選擇。 但根據每個國家不同的使用情境,Snapask 目前製作兩個在地化 logo:一個是台灣的「時課問」,另個則是日本的「スナップアスク」。

Horizontal lockup

This is our primary logo. Note the horizontal lockup.

圖為品牌 logo,橫式、最優先使用。
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Vertical lockup

When the primary logo doesn't fit your composition, use the vertical lockup.

當橫式 logo 不符合使用需求,可使用直式 Logo。
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We use 1/4~1/2 of the circle width of the logo to create a clear space. Please keep the logo on a clean background.

Logo 淨空空間為標誌中的圓形的 1/4 至 1/2 寬度,請將 logo 使用於乾淨的背景上。


We solely use the logo-mark in limited conditions, such as icons on the app, favicon on the web, or any other usage needed.

純圖樣 logo 僅在有限的條件下使用,例如應用程式上的圖標、網站圖標或任何其他需要的用途。

Localized Logo

Most of the time, we will choose to use the global version. Yet, based on different usage scenarios of each country, we currently create two localized logos for them, one is "時課問" for Taiwan, and the other is "スナップアスク" for Japan.

通用英文版 logo 為最優先選擇。 但根據每個國家不同的使用情境,Snapask 目前製作兩個在地化 logo:一個是台灣的「時課問」,另個則是日本的「スナップアスク」。

Snapask Logo

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Logo Composite
Use whenever possible
Use it as a favicon/logomark/brand intial
Use when the space is limited
Localized Logo
Use it as an alternate/secondary logo
For Digital & Print
Use RGB for online and PMS (Solid Coated) / CMYK for print applications

Stay Recognizable

Digital: 220 px

Digital: 220 px

Printed: 35 mm

Printed: 35 mm

Logo Minimum Size

There is a specific restriction for small size used for readability. As a result, scaled logos could be at least 120px width in digital usage and 35mm width when printing out.

為了便於閱讀,小尺寸有一個特定的限制。 因此,縮放後的徽標在數字使用中的寬度至少為 120 像素,在打印時為 35 毫米。

Logo color

In general, please use the full-color version of the brand logo. We only use the black and white version, while the full-color logo is not clear or distinguished.

➜ Need to copy hex code? Go check our Brand Color.

上圖是我們的主要 logo,標註為橫式 logo。

Horizontal lockup

This is our primary logo. Note the horizontal lockup.

左圖為品牌 Logo,標註為橫式。

Vertical lockup

When the primary logo doesn't fit your composition, use the vertical lockup.

當橫式 Logo 不符合使用需求,可使用直式 Logo。
This handbook is provided to those who are created for Snapask.

Logo Misuse

Always use the logo files provided. Do not re-create. Here are some examples:
✘  Do not tilt or rotate    
✘ Do not break the lockup
✘ Do not distort the logo
✘ Do not use complex backgrounds
✘ Do not use the same color-tone backgrounds
✘ Do not add gradations
Do not apply outlines
✘ Do not use drop shadows or any other effects

請使用 Brand Team 提供的 logo 檔案,不要再製。請勿傾斜、旋轉、扭曲、分離、過於複雜的背景、改色、外框、疊加效果等。

Snapask Logo


Vertical lockup

When the primary logo doesn't fit your composition, use the vertical lockup.

當橫式 Logo 不符合使用需求,可使用直式 Logo。

Vertical lockup

When the primary logo doesn't fit your composition, use the vertical lockup.

當橫式 Logo 不符合使用需求,可使用直式 Logo。

Digital: 220 px

220 px

Printed: 35 mm

35 mm

Minimum Size

35 mm / 220 px

The minimal width, 35 mm for printed items and 220 px for digital devices, guarantees that the logo is easily recognized in different formats.

However, we may modify the logo accordingly to ensure that it can be displayed clearly depending on various circumstances.

最小使用尺寸是為了確保 logo 的可辨識度,Snapask logo 最小使用寬度:印刷為 35 mm、數位為 220 px。使用 logo 時應盡量避免辨識不清等問題,然而因應不同情況,logo 在確保能清楚呈現時,以適合的比例調整即可。

Do not outline.

Do not use drop-shadows.

Do not rotate.

Do not distort proportions.

Do not shear or skew.

Do not apply graphic filters.

Do not alter letter spacing.

Do not use any of our secondary colors.

Do not use any of our light colors.

Do not use gradient.

Do not use as a mask or holding shape for imagery or graphics.

Do not use any off brand colors.

Career Stairs

slope 10 degree is the main feature.

Logo on Colour

Our logos commonly appear on solid colours, Textures, and content. Proper contrast ensures logo readability.











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